I wonder what a chick would say if you got out some dental dam on her though? Ni99a slide up like a dancer..........make a beeline for that axe wound........throw on ya best face..........and get ready to give her that work like......
my cousin actually tried this on a jumpoff once. peep game:
we all chillin at homeboys house and we used to keep this jumpoff around. a south american bytch who hung out wit my cousin ( the sister). anyway she was down to fukk around if you got her in the mood.so we all taking sips of this big ass wine bottle we stole from my uncle stash, feeling good as teenagers do. my cousin was just at that time getting his beak wet wit bytches. he never ate pussay before. so he pulls me to the side like yo :
cousin: you she in da mood dog. im finna eat that chocha
Me: are you sure my nikka?
cousin: yea my nikka im going in!
so he pulls her to the homeboy who crib we was chillin at room, to his bunkbed.

my cousin tunging shorty down rubbing her t*ts and puss got her moaning

rest of us in the living room getting wasted and laughing

and nah i didnt have any p*ssy for myself that night.
so cuz comes running out the room looking for his jacket. homeboy pulls out a single use dental dam
he runs back and we all like

this nikka right here.
shorty is like :noshyt: wtf is that cuz? u callin me dirty?'
cuz: just chill ma let me do my thing watch u gonna like it.

all we heard was rubber snapping and moaning for like an hour

cuz came out with his whole face red from rubber burning against it.