Elle Driver
this is true, Indian men get ZERO play from other races of women.
Dude is a fakkit. All he be doin is talking about how undesirable black men are.

this is true, Indian men get ZERO play from other races of women.
a lot just see them as soft or feminine and they say men with dark skin look more manly. I disagree but that's what the hate is about
This isn't limited to hoodrats.Are men in here touting their complexion like some little teenage girls?
Women, for the most part, are not as color struck as many of you men may be. Honestly, every time I see a good looking light skin girl or an attractive white female- they normally have a dark skin athletic dude by their side. If you are handsome and have a good body, chicks will eat that up- regardless of skin tone.
In fact, the ONLY females that will admittedly lose they mind over any type of light skin dude (simply for being light) are hood-rats. The same hood-rat chicks that are looking at dudes with pony tails, thinking about how they kids will have good hair- but not considering the likelihood of them getting reliable child support![]()
Blame it on the 80's.Light skinned nikkaz were sought after in the 80's and a lot of chicks didn't get invited to the party.
Whenever you're in demand, it puts you at risk of becoming arrogant/conceited.A lot of the chicks who got dissed/and or played by light brites in the 80's couldn't wait to have their "You aint all that" moment in regards to them yellows.You know young girls were sitting around witnessing their mom/aunt give light skinned nikkaz the<insert teeth suck> "Them nikkaz make me sick"
In the early 90's, the whole chocolate skin/roughneck in timbs thing took over.That's when the "light skin men are too pretty" way of thinking got dropped in the game.Using that as a back drop, the pretty boy El Debarge cat looks anemic when put up against DMX.Add that to the fact that women are becoming more and more masculine nowadays, sometimes it takes a super macho/ extra masculine cat just to make them feel like a woman/in touch with their femininity.Dark skinned dudes send off those signals because dark skin is seen as more masculine from the jump.
I think some black women have a deep seated animosity for light skinned men.Some chicks are so torn up self esteem wise, they actually resent men who are seen to be "prettier" than they are.They're out there.I've witnessed it.I've seen a lil girl try to cut her brother's(he was mixed/light skinned) hair off because in her words "he's prettier than me".She would bully the hell out of that lil boy on some resentment shyt.
Not saying all, but SOME black girls still have that resentful lil girl in them when it comes to light skinned dudes.It get's to the point to where it's some Jedi mind tricks type shyt where pride starts getting in the way like "I bet this light skinned nikka thinks I like him, but I'm going to keep itso he doesn't think he's all that, but when he starts picking up on my
and acting standoffish, I'm just going to blame it on that light skinned pretty nikka arrogance...that's why I can't stand them nikkaz...they think they all that
It's real in the field
The bodyguard has half of Seal's lifetime fortunes in his possession and he aint do shyt to earn it![]()
This isn't limited to hoodrats.
there's two type of dark skin dudes:
1. The dudes always tryna prove how attractive they are.
2. ones who don't believe they're attractive and act hostile towards females.
They too intelligent to say it but they'll have a baby and riverdance around the living room stroking their fingers through the straight hair. Admiring straight hair isn't a class issue.
Please tell me the last time you have heard a classy and successful black/white/yellow female, take a look at a brotha with a ponytail and think to herself "oh look at that light skin brotha with the ponytail- he'd be perfect to bring to my company's Christmas party".
Why all the hate for light skinned brothers ladies? Never knew this hatred for us existed until I started browsing this site. I mean it doesn't bother me at all, I'm just curious.
They too intelligent to say it but they'll have a baby and riverdance around the living room stroking their fingers through the straight hair. Admiring straight hair isn't a class issue.
Blame it on the 80's.Light skinned nikkaz were sought after in the 80's and a lot of chicks didn't get invited to the party.
Whenever you're in demand, it puts you at risk of becoming arrogant/conceited.A lot of the chicks who got dissed/and or played by light brites in the 80's couldn't wait to have their "You aint all that" moment in regards to them yellows.You know young girls were sitting around witnessing their mom/aunt give light skinned nikkaz the<insert teeth suck> "Them nikkaz make me sick"
In the early 90's, the whole chocolate skin/roughneck in timbs thing took over.That's when the "light skin men are too pretty" way of thinking got dropped in the game.Using that as a back drop, the pretty boy El Debarge cat looks anemic when put up against DMX.Add that to the fact that women are becoming more and more masculine nowadays, sometimes it takes a super macho/ extra masculine cat just to make them feel like a woman/in touch with their femininity.Dark skinned dudes send off those signals because dark skin is seen as more masculine from the jump.
I think some black women have a deep seated animosity for light skinned men.Some chicks are so torn up self esteem wise, they actually resent men who are seen to be "prettier" than they are.They're out there.I've witnessed it.I've seen a lil girl try to cut her brother's(he was mixed/light skinned) hair off because in her words "he's prettier than me".She would bully the hell out of that lil boy on some resentment shyt.
Not saying all, but SOME black girls still have that resentful lil girl in them when it comes to light skinned dudes.It get's to the point to where it's some Jedi mind tricks type shyt where pride starts getting in the way like "I bet this light skinned nikka thinks I like him, but I'm going to keep itso he doesn't think he's all that, but when he starts picking up on my
and acting standoffish, I'm just going to blame it on that light skinned pretty nikka arrogance...that's why I can't stand them nikkaz...they think they all that
It's real in the field
Then why do black females prefer the company of black males rather than any other ethnicity? If, according to your anecdotal evidence, black females care so much about hair and the complexion of their children. Why would they settle for "good hair", when they could go straight to the well itself (white men)?
I wasn't saying all black females. You said it was only hoodrats. My point is the ponytail luvin phenomena isn't a class issue.
Then why do black females prefer the company of black males rather than any other ethnicity? If, according to your anecdotal evidence, black females care so much about hair and the complexion of their children. Why would they settle for "good hair", when they could go straight to the well itself (white men)?