I'mma be real. My high school sweetheart turned gay.
It's funny, because we were mad cool before we got together. I was dating her homegirl (for like 3 months). Her reason for not kickin it with me was because I was with her homegirl in 9th grade. lol I kept pursuing her though.
We used to kick it all the time. One day she randomly (and I mean RANDOMLY) blurted out how curious she was towards the opposite sex. I was like
Eventually we got together around 10-11th grade, and stuck it out till we graduated. I moved to Colorado for school, so we split up.
We're still cool till this day, even though we don't speak as often as we used to.
Maybe a year or so ago, I made a lil joke about me being a wack ass nikka in highschool, because I turned my ex gay.
She was like, don't feel bad and reveiled that she was fukin this BAD ass chick that was in a grade higher than us before me and her even went toghether.
I was
at first, then I was
because I knew at that point she had cheated on me with that bish too. lol
No worries, tho. I took that L. She is the reason that I've had my first threesomes. shyt....she's the reason why I've had 4 of them. lol