...culture appropriation with a Marilyn Manson twist....
They call it vaporwave and cloud rap. A lot of these guys out their with the school shooter look.
...culture appropriation with a Marilyn Manson twist....
they shyt slap, lots of good music coming out of florida. inspired by old tennessee gangsta rap
thanksThey're from New Orleans
One thing I've noticed about white music is they love feeling depressed.
I've been listening to a lot of 80's new wave recently and the amount of angst and depression, and suicidal thoughts over seemingly nothing is a theme that exist all throughout that genre.
And that shyt exist in all the music they dominate.
Grunge was the same way.
This music just blends white teenage angst with hip-hop in a way that you just know is going to amount to success.
"I wanna get lit and pop xans, but I'm also depressed because it's cool to be depressed"
This bar in this one song describes these cats to a T
"I bought a Maserati just to take my life inside"
That line describes the flashiness that white kids love about hip-hop with the depression and angst they love about rock.