Most of these guys grew up on the newer generation that prioritizes ring work over character work and having good mic skills.
I watch old school guys like Dusty Rhodes, Ric Flair, Piper, Rick Rude, and Jake Roberts and those guys knew how to really work a crowd, draw real heat, and really get into the psychology of their characters.
Most of the newer generation guys just wear black and do that flippy shyt, but have zero personality and can’t talk.
The internet kinda broke kayfabe and guys can go look at spoilers and shyt beforehand now and also go look at guys post on pics on IG with their kids, out eating, and doing other random shyt and it took away the mystery and mystique of certain guys and their characters.
That’s why mythical characters like the Undertaker don’t work as well now when the WWE occasionally tries to create new ones.
Fans can now see in live action and in motion certain guys portray a certain character on tv and then go look and see his real life persona is nothing like that.
I remember watching a shoot interview with another wrestler (I don’t remember who it was) being out with Rowdy Piper at an airport and some kid came up to Piper wanting an autograph and Piper wouldn’t give it to the kid and basically told the kid to get away from him.
The other wrestler asked Piper why he did that. Piper said that if he would have given the kid the autograph he would have took it, eventually forgotten about it, and lost it, but he’ll remember me being a jerk to him forever.
Back in those days guys didn’t break character period, they would go on talk shows and shyt still very much in character.
Wrestling kinda lost something when they got away from that, I know everything has to evolve with time, but they really need to get back to making guys embody those characters. I think it would make for a more interesting product and make the crowds really get behind the babyfaces and hate the heels that much more.
There are really no true heels anymore most of these guys that we call heel are more tweeners than anything. A good antagonist makes the hero look much better and gives people something to rally around in the babyfaces.