Please let this be the end of Lenard. Kwame doing God’s work.
Brother Lenard has the backing of iHeartMedia and ViacomCBS behind him, so good luck with that

Breakfast Club got hot off his sexual harassment-lite antics like sniffing female guests chairs and calling them vintage vagina. Soon as #metoo popped up they scrubbed A LOT of old breakfast club videos off YouTube entirely

If you remember he used to constantly bring up watching that Kellz tape to Guests on the show, about he learned things from it

Then this guy with a r@Pe charge on his record has the audacity to take part in a documentary series about Kellz being a predator

, Kamala had him on her campaign too as some kind of advocate
soon as Choke dropped the interview with the girl involved he was dumped
Every time he pops shyt now he is plugging “mental health” to sell books smh
I say all that, to say, Charlatan is going nowhere