Come on Sony make it happen...

Come on Sony make it happen...
It's not about the money. People just don't want to get used to getting fukked in the ass like xbox customers . I remember when they made y'all buy $100 wifi adapters. You just love that feeling of a corporate cock in and out your ass. No homo. Others don't want that.
XBL is like $30-60 bucks its nothing, neither will the pay to play psn you broke fukks need another job. the funny thing is the people who talk about gaming on PCs when a real respectable pc that will max out everything is 1500+. that's like the life time of a console right there and some.
My gaming pc is respectable and can run circles around my xbox and ps3 in IQ and performance costs around $400. Trust me DmC, Far Cry 3, Sonic Racing transformed, emulators look
on my sh1t. I want PS4/XboxNext simply because it's new plus once they get modded I'm going to be on that heavy.
Sony doesn't even offer wireless N , made a shytter slim slim revision and abandoned a controller after a year stfu they both make mistakes.
adding functionality isn't "abandoning" the controller.
So we gonna forget about lack of HDMI in OG 360s? HD-DVD add on? Raped on hard drive prices?
XBL is like $30-60 bucks its nothing, neither will the pay to play psn you broke fukks need another job. the funny thing is the people who talk about gaming on PCs when a real respectable pc that will max out everything is 1500+. that's like the life time of a console right there and some.
I just said they both made mistakes, and MS actually replaced the no HDMI if you called. HD-DVD? add-on? it was just that a add-on. No excuses for sony gimping the new slims and at the same time no wireless N
You can build a gaming PC that will run maxed out DMC @ 60-100+ fps for under 600, especially if you run a pirated version of Win 7.
I got an OG slim and Launch PS3.
but yeah dunno why the new slims don't have wireless N
True, that's a big If Im not about that pirate life. speaking of GPU im thinking about buying the Titan you think its worth it?
Nah, my boy runs bootleg win 7, he just never lets it update
Honestly, I'm just hyped on the titan that will die down after a week and I come back to reality. I'm holding out for the next generation of GPUs, if I had to get something now I'd probably just get a 680.
Your PC is fukking garbage, what CPU/GPU are you sporting that is worth less then 400 by it self. The whole point of gaming on PCs is maximum efficiency
Maximum efficiency is subjective.
My "fukking garbage" PC plays most if not all games at higher framerates, better image quality than the PS3 and 360. That's not even including graphics enhancers like sweetfx.
you happy cause your PC is able to outwork 8 year old systems![]()