Kobe's final game. This is it. Wednesday April 13th 2016.


Minus the bullsh*t...life's great
Jul 8, 2014
Good riddance

I hated Kobe in the early 2000s because I was a Kings fan. Once Shaq left and he was on his own, I became a fan. He was just that good. Skill and work ethic are second to none. He added something new to his game every year.

His sneaker line evolved and improved every season :wow:

GOAT in my opinion, as he does everything better (as far as pure basketball skill) than MJ did. And he went up against the Murderer's Row of wing players through 2 eras (Reggie, AI, Vince, TMac, Ray Allen, Lebron, Wade, Paul Pierce, Durant, Melo, etc) and came out on top. Undeniable greatness, salute to the Mamba:salute:

It’s crazy. I’ve been a Kings fan my whole life and i grew up hating this nikka. But yet I’m just so fukked up over this. Been feeling a heavy pressure on my chest all day. A large part of my childhood is taken away. I remember arguing with nikkas during gym as a kid about who was better between him/Mcgrady/Pierce

Just got done with work. Got in my car and just broke down crying. I don’t understand why and how i feel like this. I’ve been rooting against this nikka my whole life

My fellow Kings brehs forgive me

If i only knew....:wow: