The last ride fam
If this doesn't move you. U have no soul
Michelle Beadle, of course, turned Kobe's swan song into a feminist rant on "Sportsnation". She goes on a rant about him trying to ruin a young woman's life, then she implies that he raped that smut. I wished she'd go back to NBC Sports.
I've watched the last 5 minutes 10 times since Wednesday and it's still emotional.
just wanna go on record as a longtime Kobe hater, New Yorker now 10 years in LA. I fell asleep at halftime of the dubs blowing out Memphis, briefly checked the Clipper/Suns game and saw Kobe had 45.
tuned in and saw GREATNESS.
I cannot hate on that swan song at all. shout out to kobe bytch ass. I still say a healthy Celtics would have whopped him.