Kobe, the pilot + 4 daughers doesnt equal 5. I thought they said 5 dead?The ABCNews Special Report indicated that all 4 daughters were on board with him, but there's no confirmation yet. News is all over the place right now.
Kobe, the pilot + 4 daughers doesnt equal 5. I thought they said 5 dead?The ABCNews Special Report indicated that all 4 daughters were on board with him, but there's no confirmation yet. News is all over the place right now.
Looks like nba games ain't even getting cancelledThey need to cancel the pro bowl
That’s the thing about copters: little margin of errorLack of safety features, yea? Like if the engine goes, there’s really not much you can do..
This news just keeps getting worse
They were on board. Its too much to takeDoesn’t hurt any less but thank god the kids weren’t on board. As an uncle to nieces who lost their fathers at a young age, I know they’re devastated. He loomed large over those girls.