Berniewood Hogan
The Age-Checks Predator

The Age-Checks Predator
The Age-Checks Predator
Age of consent is a mystery......
No ones making a big deal about this due to the context he used it in in comparison to Hogan, etc
Its no surprise that a lot of white boys that listen to rap talk like this behind the scenes, especially online playing video games
I ain’t defending him sayin it but I ain’t finna look at bruh differently cuz we now live in a world where we all know n***a with the A ending is looked at completely differently from n***er with the ER
Writing that last part sounds crazy right
EDIT: I got negged by somebody but it’s all good lol... in what part did I not state facts? Like we don’t know there’s a million white boys out here usin the N word how we use it but we know they ain’t racist.. they may not say it around US but we know it’s happening... now when you say it like Hogan used it, yeah media picks up on it and everyone goes crazy
and I’m not defending dude. I’m lookin at it from the perspective as to why dirtsheet sites I visit and news outlets haven’t made a big deal about this cuz I never wouldve known bout this
I agree with you.. I was just implying about the way society looks at it. When I said I’m not finna look at him differently it’s honestly cuz I don’t pay attention to Orton negative or positive so I could care less what’s goin on with him. I prolly should’ve worded that differently in my original post.When a white person says it, it doesn't make a difference if its with the a ending or not. The amount of "black" people on twitter giving him a pass is embarrassing.
I see exactly what youre saying. Yeah, its wrong coming out a white persons mouth period whether it ends with ER or A. Too many blacks will give white folks a pass just cuz it ends with A when they should address it the same way as if it ended with ER, but that mentality is why this wont end up as big as the Hogan situation.I agree with you.. I was just implying about the way society looks at it. When I said I’m not finna look at him differently it’s honestly cuz I don’t pay attention to Orton negative or positive so I could care less what’s goin on with him. I prolly should’ve worded that differently in my original post.
The only reason this thread caught my attention is cuz it’s weird how the white guys that grew up in black hoods and act black that get heated and started usin the N word in arguments end up in videos that go viral hilariously.. then you have white celebs that use the N word with the “ER” at the end and everyone goes into a frenzy until they apologize then after time it’s forgotten about... then when Orton uses it with a A at the end casually, no news outlets give a damn and even judgin from posts on the first page, it’s like it was justified.
It’s almost as if the word when used with a A at the end has less significance when ultimately, rather ER or A it’s the same word.. but we use it with a A so freely MFs just be like whatever
Exactly... the only news I’ve seen covered on Orton is that he wants to face The Rock at WMI see exactly what youre saying. Yeah, its wrong coming out a white persons mouth period whether it ends with ER or A. Too many blacks will give white folks a pass just cuz it ends with A when they should address it the same way as if it ended with ER, but that mentality is why this wont end up as big as the Hogan situation.
Or in a fight.White people literally act like it's a requirement to say nikka while playing video games online
thread turn“She said she was 19”