Can't be worse than you having @FAH1223 delete your ban bet request after you lost.Sneak dissing like a hoe
Boy out here with a hard on for oligarchy
Can't be worse than you having @FAH1223 delete your ban bet request after you lost.Sneak dissing like a hoe
palatka is 1000 miles away from harlem. that's for damn sureCan anyone time stamp the “Twerking”…pause.
America is a son of a bytch. Russia should have been allowed to join NATO when the Soviet Union fell.
If we can be buddy buddies with the Saudis and Israelis, surely we can have an alliance with Russia.
I think this is all punishment for Russia committing the unforgivable sin of providing the world with an alternative to Capitalism.
NATO exists because of Russia.
Also Kyle needs to be more nuanced in his coverage on this. Geopolitics isn't as simple as USA bad, Russia good. Both countries want power and both do provacative act to obtain it.
Of course it was because Russia was a communist country and America seen that as a threat. Russia also doesn't have ties to any of them European countries they are completely different people with white skin.
Saudis and Israel offer resources where as Russia really doesn't have anything. The country is cursed with the most terrible location on the globe with no minerals etc.. just oil.
Court Dog got banned. We need to be celebrate with free daps and reps all over the forumCan't be worse than you having @FAH1223 delete your ban bet request after you lost.
Boy out here with a hard on for oligarchy
Well that was the point of my question. NATO expansion is a threat to Russian interests just like Russian expansion beyond their normal sphere of influence would be considered provocative to the EU/US.
This really started back when I made that Kiev Beyond Thunderdome thread with the major protests. This was a ticking time bomb. On the one hand, Russia demanding an end to NATO expansion wouldn’t make sense because its policy iirc is to let nations join freely should things be agreeable. However, it begs the question of why the need for NATO if it’s expansion can trigger conflict? Crimea doesn’t happen if the West doesn’t begin creeping into Ukraine which deads the need for a militaristic posture.
Russia is a major hydrocarbon exporter. Europe especially relies on Russia for much of its energy. Russia also has many other resources including diamonds. Also, how could Russia have no ties to Europe when it’s been a part of European geopolitics for hundreds of years now?
Europe doesn't have to retrieve Oil from Russia. It is not necessary. Russia for a country its size is way below Mexico in the manufacturing industry. Like Obama said the country makes nothing and has nothing. They are only good for their military weapons which they sell to China and other smaller nations in Africa etc. The country oligarchs rely on foriegn interest to maintain their income. China surpassed them and Russia had decades head start.
That was 6 years ago. Money counter go brrSound like a bum ass bytch nikka gassed to make a petty low 6 figures trying to avoid a policy debate
@88m3 u just wanna post like a hoe or debate like a man?
Because they're Tankies.still waiting for a solid reason as to why Ukraine isn't entitled to sovereignty
Dude is cursed. One of the all time woat ban bet backfires.Court Dog got banned. We need to be celebrate with free daps and reps all over the forum