Watching now….dope match between Becky/Bianca
Its the gimmickEdge just feels so out of place in today’s WWE.
Her facials were terrible during the 3 women's entrancesBianca really needs to work on her acting skills in ring and during promos.
Its bad all around right now. She got strength and athleticism but it all stops there.
She can't sell a move at all. When she gets attacked it's almost as if she didn't get touched and forgot to sell it. Its wierd to watch and hard to explain.
Tez gotta show her the way. He oversells everything but ita entertaining how he does it
Bianca really needs to work on her acting skills in ring and during promos.
Its bad all around right now. She got strength and athleticism but it all stops there.
She can't sell a move at all. When she gets attacked it's almost as if she didn't get touched and forgot to sell it. Its wierd to watch and hard to explain.
Tez gotta show her the way. He oversells everything but ita entertaining how he does it
How did i miss this gross fukkery?
Why is he with that whale?
Ditto. Hopefully she can get back to wearing attire that doesn’t make her look like she works the Las Vegas strip at 2am.I'm glad they turned Becky after a year of that struggle heel run. Fans been wanting to cheer her since she returned after giving birth. Her attempts to be heel with the goofy outfits like Rollins hurt her star power.