LOL @ his theme song!
Oh andat Whitlock for that "don't believe the hype about Magic Johnson" comment. If he didn't want to elaborate on that statement, then he shouldn't have brought it up. Ol' gossiping ass waterbuffalo.
25:30-28:10 he straight shytted on this fools articles of the past two weeks...and Jigga stans aren't going to like the latter part of that timeframe either
"Gangsta rap is basically non-existent now. I am gangsta rap. Me, Mike, I'm considered gangsta rap. Most kids want to be Drake. And Drake only says n*gga cause it makes him a lil more credible with a few more children. People know, including those children, that Drake ain't a street n*gga. They giggle when they rap him with it." -MikeFeelings in the game are going to be caught once this gets coverage lol
i use to thought whitlock was a troll but naw...