I can see where your coming from and I'm not really one to analyze something on one plane only.
especially from your de la thread I see your "fun" point. everyone does not have the same tastes as I prefer my hip-hop to be edutainment, whether that's dark melodic or 80s synths.
we can agree to disagree about his flow but on the levels of comparison to jay elec (which I started on sohh) I can agree that jay elec is smoother.
but I have a surprise for you. jay elec punches his words in almost everytime. priest will do it as an obvious transition where he even talks over himself.
now I noticed a few verses where priest did it regularly but my trained ears noticed jay elec has perfect chops on almost all his songs.
I'm a traditionalist in that aspect. also in the aspect of sticking with the originators. I mean this isn't nas vs rakim so with all the underscore its still two underdogs.
I give almost every album the "walk" test (which for some reason made big mel mad )
if you do the same, hop on transit etc. the album will grow on you and you will enjoy it.
the only one thing I can say I genuinely felt you were wrong about is the "marginal eastcoast religious sect". this is not a 5% album and nothing he mentions is marginal or strictly eastcoast related.
I mean the references to his own hood and such are slim but the "knowledge" is not steeped in one particular direction. you will probably listen and go
though lol
if you come back here and ask I'm sure me, tua, shabazz, engaged, erker or whoever will break it down.
don't enjoy the album too much though because then you will be referred to as a "taino toolbox" couertesy of mel.
as with most artists there debut is what they are remembered the most for.
as far as enjoyment I find it odd your choice of words are redundant when every other MC or album you enjoyed has a less intelligent theme and with redundant lyrics about the same things G-Rap put to bed in 93 (cars,murder,mafia,crime,sex,street tale).
I mean name the album. roc mar? sean p?
I thought both those were classic because it gives new life to the genres they speak on but to not say they are redundant I would say holds bias. same goes for jay elec.
I honestly can't cop to being a fan of jay based on his work ethic and the fact he did that benzino video. the topics he spoke on there will NEVER be reflected lyrically due to his cozy standings with jayz and puff daddy.
I prefer non-filter. KP has nobody to answer to (and no rothchild affiliations) so he can say what he wants. jay elec went from bashing yeezy,jeezy and jim jones to working with one and praising the others.
I wouldn't be mad if they did a track but you can doubt it after those snubs I heard on this album.
yes sir and like my ruffled friend below I am buying multiple copies.
you obviously don't realize your own comedic tone.
I wish SOHH was still up so I could refer you to my old posts where my abrasive style is eerily similar to yours.
unfortunately I was a young man then and your supposedly much older now yet act much more immature.
the same people who bought the album downloaded it first and listened to it. if you aren't going to do the same then that's fine but no need to be an elitist.
also nobody is literally floating
I'm not sure why I get under your skin but I suppose it has something to do with either your diet or your lack of ability to express yourself. if not that then you just seem to be someone who has tunnel vision.
if its none of the above then feel free to school me.
as a hip-hop fan I been waiting for an album like this for a WHILE. if that's a crime then I suppose I am django and you are the house negro samuel played.
if that isn't a crime then I can't comprehend how someone judges things they don't listen to. assumptions are for those who can't put forth a proper hypothesis.