Killa Cam & Murda Ma$e..."It Is What It Is" Debate Show Thread


Apr 30, 2012
Y'all got issues with Ford rightfully so but Cam just called shytted on Dirk with know proof. That shyt was foul
yea he was off with the story and knew he was wrong when he apologized the way he did. it was a con artist wild chick who tried to stick Dirk for his paper. she claimed to be pregnant but was lying. it was a big story at the time in 2009.

from Reddit...

I read a translated German article a while back with this story. Verified with a quick google of the story.

She called him and pretended to have the wrong number, he asked who she was trying to call and she said his number. Cristal said she had been trying to reach a friend at dirks number who must've moved. When he said he had just moved in, cristal asked if he needed someone to show him around. Dirk agreed and they went out on the town.

After a few months of dating dirk asked to marry cristal, who was using a fake name at the time. They were going to get married and things degraded quickly thereafter, with some reports claiming cristal was demanding half his money before the wedding. She reportedly claimed to be pregnant but unless she's in he 25th trimester somebody is lying.

Despite having used a fake name with dirk authorities learned the true identity of ms. Taylor. She was arrested for outstanding charges of solicitation and fraud. Dirk was heartbroken