Khia Responds to Sexxy Red Calling Her Washed Up With A Roast Coli Brehdhas/Brehettes Would Appreciate 😂😂 | Update : Jacki-O Weighs In


Jul 8, 2014

When your kid ask what's an oxymoron, tell em sexxy redd :russ:


Nov 1, 2015


Child please. This is the case of you uh, can you blame them though? Freak, nasty, a$$hole. Let's talk about it, on. We the people versus never sexy red aka fugly red fugly red gag order. Your fugly ass is being charged with leaking your own sex tape that was tied and through acting like you didn't. Being mad cuz no nikka in the music industry wants you. Can you blame them? Being mad cause no nikka in the music industry wants you. Can you blame them? Gaggorty not going to a dermatologist to get your face work done to get all those potholes and craters out your goddamn face that they throw makeup on and you think you look a little better, but you know. Looking like your cousin's young fugga. Gaggorty, y'all must've been kissing cousins. Gaggorty, being uglier than a mother fukker. Thinking that you's a real rapper when you're not. Just a hooked on Sonic's ass hoe that's saying nothing. Calling yourself sexy when you never have been a sexy in your motherfukking life. Scaring us and all the male rappers with your face gaggle because you look just like a man. Putting all these wack ass tracks out that ain't going nowhere or going platinum just copper like a penny. Girl your p*ssy was blacker than a copper penny. Ain't nobody buying it bytch and don't really want a head either. Leaking a sex tape of you getting fukked with smithereens and ain't nobody making no noise because the dikk was titty and your p*ssycat is whack looking brown and crusty as your booty. Making a song about pound town and didn't get pounded on that sad ass video. Refusing to go see your GYN doctor. Have you ever been to the doctor? And doing interviews looking like a fukking bum. doing shows looking like a fukking bum And not buying you a purse and some clothes to cover that toothpick of a body up, gag order That if you twerk and rub your legs together long or fast enough you'll start a fukking fight bytch, you is out of order Now we can't call you sexy red again cause ain't shyt sexy about your frill No, I'm rapping STD Karen and you said it So don't go trying to sue nobody about them STDs that you said you had leaking out your p*ssy and you didn't go see About so your name will officially be fugly red with STD now, we do people say your mammy, uh, you know, you know Be taking up for you, you know You know, I say well, you know mama's it's gonna take up for their daughters. You gotta respect her She look okay, but you on the other hand must've took after young thug's father. Cause y'all both some ugly motherfukkers. God, now I love me some old badass ugly ass nikkas so free y'all thugger! There go the child, but you on the other hand, little girls can't be ugly. God, going up with no ugly ass p*ssy to match. No matter if you gonna be ugly at the motherfukking top, you at least got to have some good gold down there at the bottom. Now, fukk that. We, the people don't know what the fukk you mean. Gag order that none of your male rappers be wanting to holler at you, but we don't blame them. Not one bit gag order looking hard as a motherfukking nail STD and rusty nails at that. Nobody hollering at none like that. Child, you out here in these streets, walking around looking like a whole nikka, fukking nikkas with house arrest beepers on their leg, booty hollin' at nothin' like that. Child, you out here in these streets walkin' around lookin' like a whole nikka. fukkin' nikkas with house arrest beepers on they leg, booty hole brown p*ssy, doo-doo, smellin' like shyt. Carin' fake money in your hand, lookin' like a fukkin' clown. With your Project Kitchen tattooed up ass. You wonder why a nikka don't want you, child, now I done told you. Gag order. We here at Gag Nation. Do loves a bytch with some tattoos, but yours look like you got them done in a jail cell. Know a nikka on the corner in the neighborhood hollering about tooth a motherfukking twat and a blunt. I said, Tron, fugly red, gag order, yuck, cooch is what I'm gonna give you to. You know you love to give a bytch a name, here at gag nation, girl. Fugly red, yuck, cooch, STD having ass bytch shot, that's what it look like from that weak ass, wack ass sex tape that your dumb ass leaked. You girl, go to your boring fukking friend. Where was your titties at child? You know a bytch like me. Where was your titties? Ah, that nikka laid your tired ass down on your back and your titties was gone. Ain't no need to dance tonight. Oh, yours is. I thought the titties was gone. Girl, as soon as he laid you on your back, all we seen was two nipples and our nephew's bad ass chest. It was like your titties just melted into your fukking back. See, with that stack of money you be carrying around, I'm going to buy you some titties. Bag order. Look like they just evaporated up off your body as soon as he laid you down girl. What the fukk you got going on? Stop and through! Trying to put that little ass dikk in that dry ass p*ssy hole. Done hawked and spit you know how to kill that god damn nikka if he had a hawk and spit that TB ass spit from god damn the county jail he just got all of on me. TB, coronavirus out here and you letting a nikka Hawkins spit in your p*ssy cause it won't get wet and you ain't but 20 years old. What took the people the fukk out was when a nikka was stroking you he had to reach up to grab a handful of them saggy ass deflated ass titties and all he felt was a mosquito bite for a nipple and a bad ass cage chest. Gaggled it like those nikkas he was doing in jail.
May 3, 2012
St louis
Yea. Sexy Red crossed the wrong one Khia has been on that time since Sexy Red was still in pull-ups and she has beefed with far more established rappers. Like Khia probably keeps vaseline on her in case she has to take her rings off for a quick fist fight.
trina has khia's soul trapped
in a jar wrapped in chicken bones
and a old lil wayne dread.

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