Yup. It’s absolutely sports entertainment, it’s odd how many diehard fans try to fight that label. MMA is related to pro wrestling more than they wanna believe.
Company is owned by an entertainment company WME, UFC has basically no real legit ranking system nor clear path to a title shot other than what Dana feels “makes sense”
If people like Conor, Jon Jones etc weren’t polarizing or talking people into seeing him win or hoping he gets his ass kicked nobody tunes in as evidenced by some of the PPV’s headlined by non polarizing but super talented fighters (Mighty Mouse for instance)
thats all fighting though.
Boxing isnt half way fixed?
What I dont get is...
...people expecting these cats to just turn it off at the drop of a dime.
Same with football.
Its not realistic.
Fighting is a game of fukery...and sometimes thats going to bleed outside of the ring.
So what!?
As long as they keep it amongst each other...whats the big deal?
Some folks rushed in here to do the whole "thugs" thing...
...but the reality is that McGregor and Khabib are cut from the same cloth as black folks in poor areas in this country.
Athletes...especially fighters generally come from poor (urban) backgrounds.
So yes...back in their home countries these cats are looked down on by the same people who look down on black athletes.