Being fat is mostly a choice, being black isn't. C'mon son you one of the few posters I expect more from.
That was a weak ass analogy if I ever heard one.
Maybe that wasn't the best analogy, but I'm sure an intelligent person such as yourself understands what I'm trying to say. She did something dumb. I seriously doubt this girl was thinking about How the media conditions Black people to accept European standards of beauty while decrying the very skin she sits in. I don't know why you all think everyone is some Well traveled, street smart, college educated, black supremacist, that see's through the White Man's plan like NEO seeing code. bytch just wanted blue eyes man. THAT'S ALL. probably thought they looked good, watched a shyt load of CW, Friends, and Big Bang Theory, thought she would look good with them. The girl wasn't a African American studies teacher. She probably ain't thinking shyt about race.
She prolly don't be on the coli getting called c00n day in and day out. She ain't know what it is.
Got damn. I don't see how you can't lack sympathy for ANYONE going blind. Especially from this. Why is it more likely that she's a c00n. Than a black girl following American Women's obsession with perfection, through any means necessary?