@kevm3 you claim that the Bible isn’t the white mans religion

Kenny West

May 29, 2012

Dre Space Age

Jun 9, 2012
I've had this picture for years. I've researched the Bible recently and found the tribe of Judah is black. Since we're on the topic of 'c00nery', do you believe the possibility of the tribe of Judah being black? Weren't you in the other thread telling me this wasn't possible?

Didn't I post to you verse Revelation 4:3 and SHOWED you the color of carnelian and sardine?

Here's another verse:
9 “Then I will purify the lips of the peoples,
that all of them may call on the name of the Lord
and serve him shoulder to shoulder.
10 From beyond the rivers of Cush
my worshipers, my scattered people,
will bring me offerings.

11 On that day you, Jerusalem, will not be put to shame
for all the wrongs you have done to me,
because I will remove from you
your arrogant boasters.
Never again will you be haughty
on my holy hill.
12 But I will leave within you
the meek and humble.
The remnant of Israel
will trust in the name of the Lord.

So do you believe the tribe of Judah can be black?
Saw this white dude post this on some science site when I googled beyond the rivers of cush:

God is speaking of gathering His lost sheep back to Him. Beyond the rivers of Ethiopia - which is East Africa - lies West Africa. After the destruction of Jerusalem by Rome in 70 a.d. the Israelites, or the Kingdom of Judah, were forced to flee away from Roman Empire and the areas they controlled, which included Assyria to the north. Over 1,000,000 Jews were slaughtered. Many were probably taken into captivity. The remnant most likely fled into the lands of Cush, which back then most of Africa was called Cush, divided into lower and upper Cush. And the Hebrews of the Bible looked enough like the Cushyte people to be mistaken for them.

Interestingly enough, 17th-century maps of West Africa label the areas now known as Benin and Togo as the Kingdom of Judah. Also in those areas, you may find names highly similar to Issachar, and Jacob, or Yakoba. The letter J wasn't even invented until around the 1600's. Just as Jesus' actual name was Yahushua, Judah was properly called Yahudah, and the Kingdom of Judah in West Africa was also called Whydah, or Ouidah.

Even more interesting is the fact that the Kingdom of Judah was conquered by the Akan peoples sometime in the 1600's, and the land became a major slave trading post for the Europeans, so much so, that the area came to be known as the Slave Coast. These people, these Jews, or "Yews" went on to be shipped off and dispersed all around the world though most notably to the United States of America, where they endured and continue to endure to this day the worst holocaust the world has ever seen.

Even more interesting is that the curses of the Book of Deuteronomy appear to be written on their foreheads for all to see. Out of all the people on the face of this planet, only they fit all of the curses, and they fit them like a glove. This makes you wonder about the people walled up in Israel today who say they are Judah but their DNA testing concludes they actually descend from European Turkish people from Khazaria and Ashkenazi.

Prophesy upon prophecy in the Bible warns the world of imposter Jews:

  • Zechariah 2 blatantly calls out the people who live in a walled up Jerusalem frauds, and warns that God is not with them, and that they are actually Babylon. It urges folks to escape it at all cost.

  • Genesis 9:27 notifies us that the descendants of Japheth would become conquerers, and live in the tents, or land of the Shemites.

  • Luke 21:24 declared that Israel would be conquered, and taken as slaves all over the world, and that Gentiles would stomp in the land of Jerusalem until the time of the Gentiles is done away with.

  • Revelation 3:9 Yahushua Himself said that He would force the Synagogue of Satan, those who say they are Jews but are not to worship at the feet of the true Jews.
To top it all off, the very same Jewish people in Israel today are descendants of the very same people that funded and became exceedingly rich from the Transatlantic Slave Trade.

So yes, the daughter of God's dispersed are lost, but as God has said in Zephaniah, He will bring them back, and restore them.

As is said in Jeremiah, "O LORD, my strength, and my fortress, and my refuge in the day of affliction, the Gentiles shall come unto thee from the ends of the earth, and shall say, Surely our fathers have inherited lies, vanity, and things wherein there is no profit."


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
:gucci: nikka thats a rock!

I ask you for black god hand and you give me a rock?????

Anyways I'm not going to play this avi game for you. Do you believe the tribe of Judah to be black

Dre Space Age

Jun 9, 2012
Saw this white dude post this on some science site when I googled beyond the rivers of cush:

God is speaking of gathering His lost sheep back to Him. Beyond the rivers of Ethiopia - which is East Africa - lies West Africa. After the destruction of Jerusalem by Rome in 70 a.d. the Israelites, or the Kingdom of Judah, were forced to flee away from Roman Empire and the areas they controlled, which included Assyria to the north. Over 1,000,000 Jews were slaughtered. Many were probably taken into captivity. The remnant most likely fled into the lands of Cush, which back then most of Africa was called Cush, divided into lower and upper Cush. And the Hebrews of the Bible looked enough like the Cushyte people to be mistaken for them.

Interestingly enough, 17th-century maps of West Africa label the areas now known as Benin and Togo as the Kingdom of Judah. Also in those areas, you may find names highly similar to Issachar, and Jacob, or Yakoba. The letter J wasn't even invented until around the 1600's. Just as Jesus' actual name was Yahushua, Judah was properly called Yahudah, and the Kingdom of Judah in West Africa was also called Whydah, or Ouidah.

Even more interesting is the fact that the Kingdom of Judah was conquered by the Akan peoples sometime in the 1600's, and the land became a major slave trading post for the Europeans, so much so, that the area came to be known as the Slave Coast. These people, these Jews, or "Yews" went on to be shipped off and dispersed all around the world though most notably to the United States of America, where they endured and continue to endure to this day the worst holocaust the world has ever seen.

Even more interesting is that the curses of the Book of Deuteronomy appear to be written on their foreheads for all to see. Out of all the people on the face of this planet, only they fit all of the curses, and they fit them like a glove. This makes you wonder about the people walled up in Israel today who say they are Judah but their DNA testing concludes they actually descend from European Turkish people from Khazaria and Ashkenazi.

Prophesy upon prophecy in the Bible warns the world of imposter Jews:

  • Zechariah 2 blatantly calls out the people who live in a walled up Jerusalem frauds, and warns that God is not with them, and that they are actually Babylon. It urges folks to escape it at all cost.

  • Genesis 9:27 notifies us that the descendants of Japheth would become conquerers, and live in the tents, or land of the Shemites.

  • Luke 21:24 declared that Israel would be conquered, and taken as slaves all over the world, and that Gentiles would stomp in the land of Jerusalem until the time of the Gentiles is done away with.

  • Revelation 3:9 Yahushua Himself said that He would force the Synagogue of Satan, those who say they are Jews but are not to worship at the feet of the true Jews.
To top it all off, the very same Jewish people in Israel today are descendants of the very same people that funded and became exceedingly rich from the Transatlantic Slave Trade.

So yes, the daughter of God's dispersed are lost, but as God has said in Zephaniah, He will bring them back, and restore them.

As is said in Jeremiah, "O LORD, my strength, and my fortress, and my refuge in the day of affliction, the Gentiles shall come unto thee from the ends of the earth, and shall say, Surely our fathers have inherited lies, vanity, and things wherein there is no profit."
Reading this type of shyt still pisses me off to this day. Not cause I don't believe it but because of how true it is. True hurts. I've done my own research on the subject. However this ain't something you can talk about with just anyone cause then you get accused of all sorts of shyt... Even though the facts speak for themselves. I can see why God flooded the Earth sometimes.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012

Do you believe god to be black? Or a rock?

I believe Jesus was the color of the rock in my avi and I posted Revelation 4:3 which says He who sits on the throne had the appearance of a sardine or jasper. That's a jasper stone.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Reading this type of shyt still pisses me off to this day. Not cause I don't believe it but because of how true it is. True hurts. I've done my own research on the subject. However this ain't something you can talk about with just anyone cause then you get accused of all sorts of shyt... Even though the facts speak for themselves. I can see why God flooded the Earth sometimes.

There is more and more evidence coming out by the day. Whites called blacks Hamites, but now they are walking back on that claim because Mizraim, aka Egypt, was also a son of Ham

According to the Bible the ancient Egyptians were descended from Ham through the line of Mizraim. Ham had four sons: Cush, Mizraim, Phut, and Canaan (Genesis 10:6). The name 'Mizraim' is the original name given for Egypt in the Hebrew Old Testament.

If Paul, a Jew, as well as several other Biblical characters get mistaken as Egyptians and even Jesus's family flees into Egypt, that gives us a big hint.

Kenny West

May 29, 2012
I believe Jesus was the color of the rock in my avi and I posted Revelation 4:3 which says He who sits on the throne had the appearance of a sardine or jasper. That's a jasper stone.
Your pic of white god way more respectful. At least I could look at it and tell it meant god.

You ready to explain that rock every thread?:usure:

I could just google you a black jesus or something man. All you had to do is ask


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Your pic of white god way more respectful. At least I could look at it and tell it meant god.

You ready to explain that rock every thread?:usure:

I could just google you a black jesus or something man. All you had to do is ask

Here I'll put a black Jesus on my avi and you put one too since you also believe