Apparently the women who call in to his show want to hear it
It’s a form of release therapy for them. Most of them never had a man keep it 100 with them. If they did, they didn’t want to listen to the men back then because they didn’t respect them.
I am no fan of Kevin because he likes to paint society with a very broad paintbrush roller... I would like to hear Kevin address why black women have increasingly gained weight in the last 30 to 40 years but we know that kind of stuff would expose him.
Reality hits different for everyone. Some people have to face it earlier than others. Most or weak and succumb to the alternative escapes from those realities (vice). Some hold on for as long as they could, choosing food as a vice to escape from reality.
I personally think many of our women suffer from depression from the bad decisions of their past, eventually forcing them into a reality of junk food and housewives culture because it keeps the fantasy alive.
All the boozy brunches combined with high sodium diets and pill culture is a recipe for obesity. When I was dating, I could easily screen out most undesirables with a simple first date question... Where would you like to eat on a first date? If they chose a restaurant that was deemed unhealthy by my standards, she wasn’t for me. If we are out on the date and she drank excessively to the point of being sloppy, to the streets she shall return.
I wish nothing but the best for them because above all, those women taught me how to eat the fish and discard the bones.