A simple smile is too much to ask
It’s over
I’m sorry
You are more optimistic than me
And that’s a good thing to be
But at my age I done heard it all
Especially growing up from the late 80s throughout the 90s
Black men ain’t been shyt since forever
And my generation has done a piss poor job because we didn’t get the guidance from our elders
We are the generation of the fall out of the crack epidemic
So most(not all) where raised in single parent household
Ma dukes working two to three jobs(and those jobs were demeaning
I’m talking still cleaning white folks houses type shyt)
But you had to come home and fend for self
So you really weren’t getting life lessons
nikkas was just trying to survive
Fast forward we became parents without the true knowledge of parenting
Either passing down generations of trauma
Just buying our kids shyt but not implementing values
Thinking” I just don’t want my kids to go without”
In turn nothing but entitled crash test dummies were created
And now they are having kids doing even more outlandish shyt
Where am I going with as some nikkas on here call it
We are food
When your own women push back on the notion of a simple fukking smile
What do you think they are teaching their daughters
When their mothers, mothers, mother was talking all that
I’m independent
I can do bad by myself
Any successful black man only wants a white girl
Ohh he is dresses different and has weird hobbies
He must be down low
So how are you even to combat this ongoing thinking
Then on this very forum you have nikkas mad at somebody trying to change the thought process
Although I truly believe a lot of the goofies that run in here and other threads
Are not black men
And the ones that are
Definitely don’t want me to bring up the massive simping L’s they’ve taken
You can change your screen name but you still post like a bytch nikka
Fight so adamantly against it
His IG lives and the comments he gets
The numerous YouTube videos of females pushing back against common sense
As much as I hate those dweeb ass nikkas on Fresh and Fit
Those women will be somebody’s mother
The overwhelmingly vocal women will just settle for raising children alone because they can’t have a HVM
Sorry breh it’s over
Me trying to educate my daughter and keep her hidden from this shyt
We got bytches celebrating Wap on tv
bytches pushing back on shaking they nasty flabby ass in restaurants
We are at the peak of fukkery
And you can’t say shyt to anybody in this world
I don’t know how you can keep being optimistic
But I applaud you
No cap, a$$hole, back handed slight
I’m being real