Kevin Samuels Discussion Thread


Jan 26, 2017
He sounds like he' still stuck in the 80s when encouraging brehs to train in combat sports. Talking about im a blackbelt in karate/JKD, gonna have someone catch the beats in pursuit of becoming a high value male :dead:

There's tons of young white dudes doing mma nowwdays he's probably referring to that

Lord Bison

Mar 21, 2017
He sounds like he' still stuck in the 80s when encouraging brehs to train in combat sports. Talking about im a blackbelt in karate/JKD, gonna have someone catch the beats in pursuit of becoming a high value male :dead:

Where's the lie tho in encouraging young brehs to step their knuckle game up? :usure:


Feb 12, 2015
You got a point with the whole people supposed to learn from their mistakes and not repeat them.

But in this scenario that’s one of them things that make sense logically but don’t work in the real world. A dude find out the woman he dealing with was giving the p*ssy up relatively quickly but wanna make him jump thru hoops for it, he not gone be feeling that.

Just use your example at the end of this post bout simping. Imagine a woman meets a man who usually pays for the entire date no problem but after feeling used/played etc by women he’s done that for in the past he requires her to go Dutch with him. She’s gone feel like he must not be feeling her like he was feeling the other women he paid for and/or she’s being punished for the actions of other women.

The man who has to wait as a result of her learning from her mistakes will be turned off for the same exact reasons. Not saying she is wrong for moving differently, just saying the person who has to go thru shyt others before him/her did not have to go thru not gone be feeling that
I feel you and I definitely understand the logic but it’s irresponsible for people with large platforms to get online with vulnerable individuals and promote that type of fukkery just to make it easier for his male followers to get a nut and pander to them. Following that type of advice would have men in and out of her life and still with the possibility of being single and potentially hurting her children as well. Not everybody gets the same things in life. My cousin is engaged to a guy who once gave a chick a huge lavish destination wedding and they are having a small intimate one. She’d be an idiot if she overlooked all his good qualities just b:c she not getting the simping he gave to chicks in the past. Same goes with dudes he’s encouraging with his nonsense.

The only ones who potentially get hurt by that nonsense is the women and the children. If a man feels some type of way and can’t respect those boundaries, let him walk. But don’t allow Heaven Scamuels to slow walk you into thinking you gotta buss it open for every new dude you encounter just because you decided to make better decisions and vet more carefully. If you have a child your vetting should be on CRAZY levels. Single moms should have the toughest top tier standards in the world. Unless we just want them to keep taking chances and doing the same stuff over and over again, only this time it’s little black kids taking Ls with the women.


All Star
Nov 18, 2016
Can someone brief me on why folks are upset? He said something about women with kids need to refrain from being conservative or something?
Kevin Samuels has 5 years of content that is critical of the pitiful state of modern men. In late 2019 he noticed that being critical of women was more lucrative and people don't like that. I personally view Kevin Samuels as a intermediary and nothing else.

3rd Ward Swangin

May 11, 2014


I knew he resemble somebody:dead:


Feb 12, 2015
i'm not agreeing or disagreeing with your take here books, i'm familiar with your views on kevin samuels. but i did ask you this question a week and a half ago in your thread about black celebrities we don't trust....

are you a feminist?
My bad I miss posts all the time b:c my notifications be like 90+ when I login sometimes.

I’ve gotten this question before and the answer is both simple and complicated based on what the definition of feminism is. As a movement it’s gone through a couple of phases and eras.

The simple answer is no. I’m actually not a feminist. I’m a flexible pragmatist. For me that means I’m pretty practical. I like to do what works. And men literally telling 1/2 of the world that they are useless and only good for sex and raising babies, and then using all sorts of psycho warfare and physical threats to shove them and keep them in these narrow boxes isn’t practical. It’s unsustainable which is why we are at this point now.

There are some aspects of feminism I agree with and others I think that are just plain stupid, like any branch of philosophy. Same with men’s rights. Religion, politics, ect.:yeshrug:

JQ Legend

Dec 9, 2013
I feel you and I definitely understand the logic but it’s irresponsible for people with large platforms to get online with vulnerable individuals and promote that type of fukkery just to make it easier for his male followers to get a nut and pander to them. Following that type of advice would have men in and out of her life and still with the possibility of being single and potentially hurting her children as well. Not everybody gets the same things in life. My cousin is engaged to a guy who once gave a chick a huge lavish destination wedding and they are having a small intimate one. She’d be an idiot if she overlooked all his good qualities just b:c she not getting the simping he gave to chicks in the past. Same goes with dudes he’s encouraging with his nonsense.

The only ones who potentially get hurt by that nonsense is the women and the children. If a man feels some type of way and can’t respect those boundaries, let him walk. But don’t allow Heaven Scamuels to slow walk you into thinking you gotta buss it open for every new dude you encounter just because you decided to make better decisions and vet more carefully. If you have a child your vetting should be on CRAZY levels. Single moms should have the toughest top tier standards in the world. Unless we just want them to keep taking chances and doing the same stuff over and over again, only this time it’s little black kids taking Ls with the women.

Yea I definitely agree women with kids need to be a lot more careful who they allow around their kids, I was moreso talking in general