Theres a few things I've seen KS be hypocritical about
One is pairing with someone based on potential early on and growing together. But he also uses this when women are young and in relationships saying well if you want this type of man why are you with this type of man?
I'd like to see him lean into dating a regular guy and building a lot more. A lot of people don't know how to build. There's some folks who do get together and a few years in get hit with the reality of the relationship and their own and their partners issues and struggles. Then the women run.
More than ever I see more women leaving relationships claiming abuse, emotional invalidation, laziness, etc from their ex partner.
There are still women left on this forum?
Thought they all left
Anyway, from to some of the women on Kevin's show what has become clear to me is that black-american women are more controlling than i gave them credit for. In most communities men and women understand they are equals under the law but they understand and acknowledge that they are not the same. I dont think a lot of black american women fully accept that notion. And before i come under notice i used the word "same" when talking about what we are not. All that gender neutral shot got some mofos out on facebook all confused
I won't say controlling, I'd say they have blended our expectations of women to become their expectation of men. Men went to work work, women did the house work. Women are okay in 2021 doing work that is at a cubicle. But any manual work they want no parts of, even in their home. Women don't decorate, create, cook, clean.
Basically women want to be the masculine brain, and want men to be the masculine brawn. Aka Chief vs indian, with the attitude of I expect a man to do everything I don't want to do. "I point and he gets it done." Thats your use in their minds. But unfortunately this often includes anything domestic too. Meanwhile she'll also tell you "your money is the families money".
I skimmed that thread and I didn't come across a woman saying what roles that they were willing to continue to do. I didn't read all of the comments, but I read and didn't come across one
It was all about what the man should still continue to do
Pretty much. Men are an accessory to women. This is why the leave relationships more often. because if you wont do it, some man will, even if it is a mega simp and she doesnt respect him.