I don't know where to put this but it's kind of related to the KS stuff, but i was watching an episode of that "Fresh & Fit" podcast and they explained that candyshop analogy. It's pretty good.
Women get let into the candyshop when they are 18 without having to do anything or earn their way in. They get to go in and sample everything and learn what they like and don't like and they don't have to have to act frantic.
Men have to wait like an extra 15 years to get into the candyshop. Men have to EARN their way in and when a man finally gets in he goes crazy "tasting" any and every piece of candy in there.
So you have women looking at the men like "why yall going crazy in here?

Its just candy, we been in here the whole time and most of this candy is trash, i been had that shyt.

Dude explained it better, but it's a good analogy, i think.