Very good non biased assessment of our situation.The last few pages have been a good discussion but I can't help but feel like the opinions on male/female relationships are a bit old fashioned.
The men provide and women raise the children model is not even practical for the society we live in. The majority of people in the USA are living at the top of their income and are therefore a pay check away from being broke or already broke.
When are we gonna stop looking back to yesterday year and look at what is currently happening in the society. I swear BP are always in a constant state of reacting to what is happening to them. Are we ever gonna be proactive? Are we ever just gonna say "This is where we are now and this is what we need to move forward."
This male/female blame game is fukking tired and unproductive.
1. Women ran towards feminism because we don't want to be owned. All women run towards feminism to some degree. There aren't too many women on planet Earth who think the only money a woman should have is the money her husband hands her. Traditional gender roles = staying with a man regardless of how he treats you because you can't afford to leave. There is no going back to that.
2. Women are riding the limbo wave that currently exists in our society. I am guilty of this because it's advantageous. You can literally play both sides of the fence; be feminine and "let the man feel like a man" all while having your owe money that you can keep to yourself. But most women don't have the skill or the drive to successfully execute this and usually end up looking like sexy bums with their hands out who provide nothing. To that point...
3. There are a lot of do nothing people in our community. A LOT! The women are riding the fence trying to rest on gender rolls while not fulfilling their end of the bargain while men are resting on gender rolls as a means to run through women.
4. Again, it's a transition but we are in a 2 income society. Relationships won't stop because at this point people need 2 incomes more than ever. In fact, marriage is gonna be on rise given the state of the economy. But people are gonna have to pick a side and eventually it's gonna shift into a place where people's individual strengths/skills will be valued over their "gender based skills."
5. Speaking more to the thread's subject matter, lot of HV BM & BW date out or "leave the community" because our community is fukked up. Our values are upside down.
6. @HarlemHottie brought up a really good point about non black women being about to bring certain connections to the table because of the lifestyle their fathers built. Great point! We as a community do not have the same infrastructures. I think these dynamics lead to interracial dating in many cases of "HV" men. If I'm a millionaire am I gonna pick someone who has money and connections to help my money grow or am I gonna pick someone who can take all the money I have because they bring nothing? Easy choice
We need to recognize this and start building with like minded people. Again, it won't be everyone, most BP are too far gone to save. But if building the BC is important to you as an individual then you have to be mindful of the disadvantages of our community but not rest on them or use them as an excuse.

Especially that part about women wanting to fall back to gender roles when it suits them
I've been saying this is a 2 income society now which is why I will never be with that "a real man pays all the bills" shyt