His ideologies and views were honestly contrary to those of liberalweirds
to be fair , i would not put liberals under the bus as conservatives have many skeletons in their closets and abuse etc... .however i see where you going with this. Basically Kevin promoted old school values that grandmothers and grandfathers lived by and he frowned on women using their degrees as a weapon and men to have dignity and pride for themselves not being dusty or thuggish and achieing their goals etc ...
sadly, in the US folks take advantage of too much liberty too much freedom and then they want somone with knight shining armour to come down to the rescue
The CIA List:
1. Malcolm X
2. MLK
3. Dr. Sebi (he was teaching health)
4. Kevin Samuels
i disagree, lets be honest most people dont live to be 100 years old and most people that live that age have many health issues and are fragile. you can have genetics or family history of diseases, also dr sebi was pro.oting health however you have many black nutritio ist,herbalist, natural health stores ,and pro.otuon of health. he was respectfylly just happens to be very poupular but if you take a closer look, why would fbi and conspiracy what he left behind, many folks in countryside around the world are herbalist and natural medicine etc...
if one person is cured from cancer that dont mean the next hundred folks one will be cured taking natural herbs foods etc.. diseases,illesses has been here since beginning of time and will be here on out of course folks should folliw healthy lifestyle for but all that "cure"stuff folks claim will never be consistent as each human being bodies and genetic makeup react differently.
Star claiming cocaine but u gotta take what Star say with a grain of salt, dude plays too much
all that red bull aint healthy but one never knows. besides Star and many youtubers you take for whats its worth just for the enetrtainment value. morality goes out the window in the youtube space as folks say anything for clout.