KS was in his bag on the last 10 minutes of that IG clip with the chick wanting a millionaire. "You don't need the millions; you need the man"
Give a black chick a million dollars and they couldn't tell you what all they would do with it, most wouldn't be able to live in peace. The attitude would be through the roof, hell if it's through the roof now and most are making under 50k, and most are out of shape, just imagine all of this with them having a million dollars, they'll never keep a man, He'll stay but will he be there for her her.
Those last 10-15 minutes where he's giving game to that chick was PURE GOLD. She stated that she wants "generational wealth", KS said: "You need to have a generation", You have to have a husband for that to take place. "Grandmother and Grand-daddy dies, gone home to glory, are you going to miss their interactions that they brought to your life or their money", PURE GOLD

Our women want all these money but they don't have or want families. I must have watched that last 10-15 minutes bout 2-4 times just taking it all in, KS was in his bag
We accept LGBTQ community, especially black women, alternative lifestyles and all but we don't want to accept a man being shared
You become an employee, become a boss chick, independent, then live paycheck to paycheck and then you die, leaving nothing behind but excess debt and fat pockets for the employer you've worked for who is on the other side of town living a "traditional lifestyle" that consists of a husband, wife, and children
Black women don't realize the wealth you have in Black Men until White women come for them, then you wanna fight for them.
May have been his best informative, wisdom, game dropping interview that I've seen. shyt was PURE GOLD