Kevin Samuels Discussion Thread


Sep 11, 2015
Brehs.:whew: Kevin is in his bag. Watching the Cancel HBO EP and he had that 230-pound woman on there and she's talking about having high standards for her mate. Mannn the way he broke that shyt down was so magnificent :wow:. I had to re-watch that part at least 2-3 times to fully understand the depth of information that KS was spitting. Nothing but wisdom and gems were being spit in his commentary to that lady.

She wanted a man to have 'ambition' but she's topped off in her career, overweight and hasn't put in any effort to lose the weight, hasn't done anything other than get her master, she's average but she wants a man to have 'ambition' when she's neither that :wow: KS said "ma'am you're neither that, but expect a man to have ambition? :what:

Does the average person have 'ambition' NO, I like that KS didn't just state 'men' he include everybody, and the true answer is hell no, especially women, they are much lazier than men outside of the education sector.

The killer part of the whole segment was she stated that her chances to get married now was at 30%, (when it's 25% for all black women):comeon: but KS said ok, Black men are supposed to accept you as you are, let's remove alllllll black men from out of this equation, there are no more black men, ever, NOW what are your chance are to getting married, she says 0%:mjlol:

No non-black man is accepting that shyt :mjlol:and you know this, but you want a black man to climb through hoops when you know for a fact that other men aint accepting that shyt. She already knows this shyt :russ:, she does not require them to meet these high ass standards, does not, I will say that she wouldn't require those men to meet those standards

She doesn't have a chance in hell of getting married if all of the black men were to become erased. KS punched her in the gut with that one. I had to rewind that shyt :wow:

Black men have to lower their standards, women make or want black men to lower their standards, but black women get to keep their standards high, Aim for the stars :wow:

Black men are supposed to accept crap, or laziness while the other men who are inferior to black men doesn't have to:stopitslime: I'll be dayum.

Why our women can't see that Black Men are all they have.

Man that segment that he had with her was pure wisdom, I have asked my chicks on my roster this same notion, if all of the black men were erased, what are the chances of you getting married :lolbron:. So far, I got them stuck and thinking hard about the question and situation. :mjlol:

Keep doing your thing KS breh. You have fans breh. I know your Rickey Smiley looking head ass is reading this. :russ:

I hope he keeps asking that "Remove all black men off the earth" and now what are your chances of you getting married, higher or lower :russ:


Sep 11, 2015
I think the reason why KS is where he's at, and other content creators are, is because most dudes were raised by single mothers, they went with what their mothers told them, etc, their mothers in most cases wasn't shyt, but we can't call out mama for some reason, we can't say, dayum, my mama wasn't shyt on the dating side of the game. we can't reject her advice if it doesn't fit with what we want or need as a man

Those who were raised in two parent households that had strong fathers, who also may have had uncles who also were strong men, these men really couldn't break down the variables like how KS is breaking down in sense. If you had that father that could, kudos to you. You were lucky.

Sayings were told to you as a boy/teen/ young adult by your father, uncle, grandparent, but not to the effect of seeing the entire picture of things. I think KS is showing/broadcasting the entire whole dating scene and picking out a mate vs the little nuances that our dads or uncles told us.

It's like for some, dads, cousins, uncles told you some of the story about how this shyt works, chapter 1, maybe 2, maybe 3 on how to move out here and how women are and think, but KS is exposing and opening up the entire book so that you and the women can see how it really is out here. Showing you all the information that is needed to help you along the way to protect yourself and help you find a good mate.

He's doing it unapologetic which is why it hits a bit harder. No soft gloves on.

Two Stacks

New Orleans Shoe Lover
May 1, 2012
New Orleans, Louisiana
Listening to "We Need To Talk" on youtube:

"Masculine women are easier to have sex with, but we don't want them around long term."

And it hit me, he's right :ohhh:

Most of the new/current generation (women age 20-40) baby mamas are masculine af. those are the women with the kids who are often always single, between relationships, or divorced.

Nov 7, 2017
704. Formerly 212 and 843.
I think the reason why KS is where he's at, and other content creators are, is because most dudes were raised by single mothers, they went with what their mothers told them, etc, their mothers in most cases wasn't shyt, but we can't call out mama for some reason, we can't say, dayum, my mama wasn't shyt on the dating side of the game. we can't reject her advice if it doesn't fit with what we want or need as a man

Those who were raised in two parent households that had strong fathers, who also may have had uncles who also were strong men, these men really couldn't break down the variables like how KS is breaking down in sense. If you had that father that could, kudos to you. You were lucky.

Sayings were told to you as a boy/teen/ young adult by your father, uncle, grandparent, but not to the effect of seeing the entire picture of things. I think KS is showing/broadcasting the entire whole dating scene and picking out a mate vs the little nuances that our dads or uncles told us.

It's like for some, dads, cousins, uncles told you some of the story about how this shyt works, chapter 1, maybe 2, maybe 3 on how to move out here and how women are and think, but KS is exposing and opening up the entire book so that you and the women can see how it really is out here. Showing you all the information that is needed to help you along the way to protect yourself and help you find a good mate.

He's doing it unapologetic which is why it hits a bit harder. No soft gloves on.
Men like Kevin that were raised by single mothers that had boyfriends or stepfathers has seen those guys come and go. Those men are not legally or morally responsible for taking care of an ex girlfriend/wife child that isn't biologically his unless he adopts him. This side of the story gets lost in the praise of Russell Wilson and stepfather savior syndrome.


Poster of the Year
Jul 20, 2012
Brehs.:whew: Kevin is in his bag. Watching the Cancel HBO EP and he had that 230-pound woman on there and she's talking about having high standards for her mate. Mannn the way he broke that shyt down was so magnificent :wow:. I had to re-watch that part at least 2-3 times to fully understand the depth of information that KS was spitting. Nothing but wisdom and gems were being spit in his commentary to that lady.

She wanted a man to have 'ambition' but she's topped off in her career, overweight and hasn't put in any effort to lose the weight, hasn't done anything other than get her master, she's average but she wants a man to have 'ambition' when she's neither that :wow: KS said "ma'am you're neither that, but expect a man to have ambition? :what:

Does the average person have 'ambition' NO, I like that KS didn't just state 'men' he include everybody, and the true answer is hell no, especially women, they are much lazier than men outside of the education sector.

The killer part of the whole segment was she stated that her chances to get married now was at 30%, (when it's 25% for all black women):comeon: but KS said ok, Black men are supposed to accept you as you are, let's remove alllllll black men from out of this equation, there are no more black men, ever, NOW what are your chance are to getting married, she says 0%:mjlol:

No non-black man is accepting that shyt :mjlol:and you know this, but you want a black man to climb through hoops when you know for a fact that other men aint accepting that shyt. She already knows this shyt :russ:, she does not require them to meet these high ass standards, does not, I will say that she wouldn't require those men to meet those standards

She doesn't have a chance in hell of getting married if all of the black men were to become erased. KS punched her in the gut with that one. I had to rewind that shyt :wow:

Black men have to lower their standards, women make or want black men to lower their standards, but black women get to keep their standards high, Aim for the stars :wow:

Black men are supposed to accept crap, or laziness while the other men who are inferior to black men doesn't have to:stopitslime: I'll be dayum.

Why our women can't see that Black Men are all they have.

Man that segment that he had with her was pure wisdom, I have asked my chicks on my roster this same notion, if all of the black men were erased, what are the chances of you getting married :lolbron:. So far, I got them stuck and thinking hard about the question and situation. :mjlol:

Keep doing your thing KS breh. You have fans breh. I know your Rickey Smiley looking head ass is reading this. :russ:

I hope he keeps asking that "Remove all black men off the earth" and now what are your chances of you getting married, higher or lower :russ:
I got mad negs off this thread :manny:
Studies say, The Average Woman Thinks It’s Settling to be with The Average Man
Nov 18, 2016
Kevin was spitting hard facts, I mean HARD FACTS, about women and their drinking habits. Running up the bill with their thirsty drinking, having shytty social skills so they resort to getting liquored up to loosen up. If y'all ever gone out as a group there's always that one woman who can't stop ordering liquor, damn near tries every drink on the menu. And of course bounces before the bill comes.

On a first date orders more drinks than you, orders more food than you. Then gets tight if you ask to split.
