Kevin stated that single women take from their own families, married women allow their single friends to leech off them, once they cut the single friend off, that single woman goes back to her family (mama and daddy) looking for 'something' or their life will become very boring and lonely.
Single men can do much more things vs a single woman in my opinion. Example. Many single women have an issue going to the movies by themselves, going out to eat by themselves, single women do not like to travel around the world by themselves. The only thing single women may do more of at an older age by themselves is carry they asses into a store to shop, go to the salon to get their nails and toes done, do a spa date. Hell single women hate to go to a lounge or bar by themselves.
Many single men don't mind catching a movie by themselves, they don't mind traveling the world by themselves, going to a sports event, going to a lounge, Las Vegas, etc by themselves.
That was an interesting point Kevin made on IG, when he had those 2 women live on there, I believe one was from Haiti.
When I hear single women say, when Kevin asks them "What does life look like at 55 or 60 etc" many have said they want to travel.
I begin to think, who are these single women traveling with at this age ? In the IG live that I saw, the 38 year old said that she will travel with family and friends?
I thought about it:
They would say Family & Friends
Let's say that her mama and dad are married. Who wants to travel with their parents as a single person, go through the airport?? Some women do, but you're over 40, a single woman, still traveling with your mama and daddy

. Do yall get separate rooms?
How many times are you really traveling with your family within a given year?? Same example, mama and daddy, these folks are married, yes you are their child, but they don't always going to want to travel with your single ass

. The dad is going to want to take his wife out and be alone. Then, within a given year, traveling out of the country, these married folks may travel 2 to 3 times, if that, especially doing these times, Covid (old black folks not trying to go across any waters doin these times, Covid, Gas and Now the talks of War), plus those marriages are marriages that come out of the poor and middle class sector. Middle Class, those married couples may travel 2 times, maybe 3 if that, because those folks are still working, so you're not really traveling like that, then those folks may be up in age 60 plus, mama and daddy can't get around like they use to.
So who is this "family" that these single ladies are speaking of when traveling?? Other single family members?
Let's take that notion and break that down, traveling with a sibling or cousin or "friend" As Kevin stated, There's a lot of black women who make under 50k, so that friend (if she has kids and a bf) aint doing too many trips by their selves, especially if she has kiddos, if she has a man, dead end dude, even though the dude may be a dead end dude, he's not letting his woman take trips 3-4 times within a year. If "friend" or sibling has a bf, stand up dude, he's not allowin his woman to travel that often, plus if he's a stand up dude, the 'friend' aint trying to be away from the breh

Women latch on to stand up dudes like velcro.
If that friend, cousin or sibling is married, their husband is not letting their spouse travel alone that many times within a year
So again, who do these women have in mind when they spew this "I'ma travel" when I get to X age?? Ma'am, you're not traveling alone, you barely now want to go to a lounge around the corner but we are suppose to believe when you're much older, you're going to be Christopher Columbusing this world and shyt. fukk outta here with that Bull shyt
In many cases, (in my life and my sector) I've seen single women that are pushing 40 plus travel with their "one fat girl or overweight bad built friend or unattractive friend girl" or they may do a "girls trip" with some more 40 plus single women, who maybe out of that group, 1 is attractive, and she's the married one the others are bad built with kids at home
Brehs tell am I lying