I’m huge on home training aka manners
Body language
Social Awareness
Ease of conversation
Eye Movements/Voice inflection is HUGE
Listening intently vs listening to get shyt off
The tell tale sign somebody ain’t shyt is if you immediately tell a story and then they try to one up you
Friendship, Coworker or in between
That shows me insecurity and made up competition in that persons head
Yeah handshakes can be used as a sign of dominance
But this one I didn’t learn until later
Never let a man stand over you when you first meet them
That’s another sign of dominance
Also watch how a girl is responding to dudes around
When you two are talking
Or if she introduces you to the inevitable male “friend”

That took me several relationships to pick up on little shyt

It’s a certain way a woman LOOKS at you when she is highly interested vs when a woman is looking THROUGH you
My wife still gives me that LOOK
Even when I can only see her through my peripheral

I hope every breh gets that in their lives one day

I’ll also be completely honest
Outside of the few books I’ve read on body language and communication
And lessons from my uncle and OG in the Bay(RIP)
After being cheated on 3 times
I really started to develop a third eye to the bullshyt most people be kicking in my face
Especially women
shyt to be fair to the opposite sex
nikkas be giving themselves away far easier than some women
You can tell a hater nikka a mile away on the initial meet
At least I do

Plus being an introvert/empath(I know how thecoli views that

It took me sometime to finally listen to my gut about people and in the last 16 years
I’ve only been wrong 2 times but I knew them bytches weren’t shyt but I wanted to believe they were and wanted to save them
A hard head

Hater nikkas feel free to shyt on me
It’s only thecoli way