This vid is like 5 hours and I watched it over the course of like 2 days. I watch their lives sometimes. I don’t like how if you don’t agree with the panel’s pov, the moderator gets upset. Bro just needs to move the convo along, be neutral and provide order.
When the segment came on about dress how u want to be address, the Kay Aye chick had a couple good points. But the panel was putting words in her mouth and doing red herring fallacies. Also, some questions aren’t simple yes or no answers... there are nuances. I get what both sides were saying though.
2:37:12 and 3:01:49 were good points and she had them stuck. kevin samuels came on around 4:11:00 mark
EDIT: and that nikka in the blue polo definitely changed his shirt. lying ass
peep the nonverbals of him shaking his head “no” while saying he had a job interview that day.