No they didn't
She got the Plantation in Haiti which didn't have any slaves on it, and she sold it dumb ass
she never ran it
no take your dumb ass somewhere else, you can easily google this shyt
The Florida Territorial Council passed laws that forbade
interracial marriage and the inheriting of property by free blacks or mixed race descendants. To avoid difficulties with the new government in what he termed its "spirit of intolerant prejudice", Kingsley sent his wives, children, and a few slaves to
Haiti, by that time free black republic. His two daughters had already each married white planters and remained in Florida.
[24][25] He sold the plantation to his nephew, Kingsley Beatty Gibbs in 1839, and transferred some of the slaves to his plantation in San Jose, now a neighborhood in Jacksonville.
[note 2] Kingsley started a plantation in Haiti that was worked by former Fort George Island slaves, who had become
indentured servants; slavery was not allowed in Haiti. They were to earn their freedom in nine years.