Told you bums this day would come. Told you this man was obviously gay and y’all denied it. Even when his moist ass college yearbook pic came out. Now look at you.
This man got a nikka in his bed. Not even a well dressed man. A BUM ass looking gay nikka marinating like jerk chicken in that bed, waiting for KS to re-arrange his non high value GUTS.
He tells you to wear a suit and cut your hair. Y’all been playing dress up with a gay nikka for years. Meanwhile he’s out here busting down a Breh who looks like he’s dressed to make an 11PM run to the corner store for hot chips and a Cherry Pepsi. Tell me something, does that look like a high value room? High value queen side bed? Matter fact maybe we should wake that nikka up and ask him how big is his dikk, how much does he weigh, and how much money he makes. Kevin prob asked him that already tho, before he tore that BUM ass up. Which Coli nikka is next on Kevin’s high value bussy hit list.