I watched Kevin Hart's last stand up special and didn't crack as much as a smile for 40 minutes and just turned it off...
Went to the Ride Along movie and didn't laugh once...Not once...
This n1gga sharked Martin's whole steez and tried to white wash it with some mainstream sensibilities..He's too invested in being a star to be a great comedic artist in my opinion..
Not a big fan of Epps but he is 100% right here...The problem is its impossible to give an honest opinion of someone more financially successfull than you without it being looked at as jealousy or "hate"...
I understand you where you're coming from but I feel indifferent about it. You're right epps was ASKED a question but it's obvious given the things he stated on twitter about hart he obviously feels some type of way about him. No other way around it, it sounded real hoeish that epps was saying all that stuff.
Comedy has always gone through reigns. Throughout the 60-90s you had guys like D.Gregory, cosby, pryor, flip wilson to more modern acts like the wayans bros, murphy, martin etc.. Hollywood has always loved the "go to hot black comedian" & yes I agree that hart is whoring himself out but he's just trying to get it while he's hot & you can't blame him.
Becoming successful is hard but maintaining it is even harder. Being honest hart's last comedy special was one of the worst I ever seen & the one before that wasn't much better. We'll see in due time if he has the talent to stay afloat.
On another note I always thought ice cube was a below average actor who plays the same sidekick roles in most of his movies. But he's always aligned himself with the hottest black comedians at the time: Chris tucker, tracy morgan, katt williams, epps & now kevin hart.