CEO of Morgan Industries
I also think Kobe tended early in his career to take any perceived slight very, very personally and probably needed time to calm down and talk to Dr. Buss, but the point remains: I think they actually had a trade set with the Bulls, but Kobe nixed it because the Lakers wouldn't drop Deng from the deal (thanks @Left.A1 for the reminder of who it was).From what was said after, Dr. Buss was never going to trade him. They took a look at a couple packages to show that he would have to go to a gutted team, which he didn't want. Buss then promised to bring some help. But I suppose if he was hellbent on it, they would have had to. Buss just called his bluff
But I think we generally agree here that Dr. Buss did a good job of managing Kobe and getting him to back off the trade request. Still, the point is that they went out and put work into these packages; they didn't just say, "You have a contract, Kobe, and you're going to honor it." No one was telling Kobe "get your black ass to the arena" as the original poster put it, and no one would say that to Durant either, because players have too much power for that.