What point are you trying to make here? You dont think we all know basketball is a business

So is Chick Filet,and they have every right to transition to hamburgers only if they want to. What the hell does that have to do with fans of Chick Filet,or fans of chicken in general being upset about them making that decision?
"The Arizona Republic's Duane Rankin asked Durant why he isn't widely involved in the greatest of all time conversation, and he suggested that there's only one thing keeping him out of it.
"Because I went to the Warriors," Durant told Rankin. "Why shouldn't I be in that? That's the question you should ask. Why not? What haven't I done?"
They dont have to care what we think. But how the hell are you going to tell us how to think and talk about the product and the employees that work there?The customer service was awful that year,everybody knew who the hell was going to win before the season started.
If you wanna compare it to business,the guy repeatedly opens up franchises and they continuously fail. Shouldnt ever think they should be in the goat businessman convo
Im speaking from the customer perspective,not the owners. Your a customer siding with the players who dont give a damn about customer service.