this sounds weak as hell, it sucks that now every rapper can claim that it's AI as a cop out for dropping a bad song
whole minute intro sounds like some fukking DOA "let the story begin, begin"
and when is daylyt is the source of all this discussion? didn't he say he ghostwrote a verse for drake to diss kendrick like 2 days ago now to still claim to be on kendrick's team? the only thing i remember was that ab soul dissed the hell out of daylyt on some album bonus track rap battle and idk if they are cool like that
yeah the cadence is slow as hell and words are stretched just for the AI to pronounce everything correctly, and it still pronounced incorrectly at the end once the song sped up and went off beat...gotta listen to everything with headphones just to see if it's fake
this song sounds like kendrick was taking a stroll and barely had any energy in it, on some morning wake up breath stanking and talk shyt routine
it's clever because you can hear the parts where they edited in the real acapellas to pronounce certain words because the usual AI'ed words would go haywire and not pronounce certain words clearly
yeah there's no soul in this AI BS...just words pronounced monotone as hell without any right inflections, which is why drake's normal pronunciation is weak as hell and can't tell if his songs are AI or not even if they are manufactured by others