Bobby Lashleys eyebrows
Gotta give it the whip, shower and gym test to give my full evaluation. It's definitely different from his last 5 projects.
Gimmick or not, he's doing the work and hooking the forum up. Sit your ass down buddy
This album is Psychedelic Soul, Blues, Atliens inspired, West Coast Gangsta Rap, a touch of trap and smooth jazz, with that Mood Club music, and boom bap blended perfectly the shyt don't sound forced, It's still Kendrick Lamar.
This album rollout was very similar to what we saw J. Cole did... VERY similarOnly let down off first couple listens is no Free Smoke really. Did the same beef pump faking as J Cole with Heart
Really easy listen. Gonna have it on repeat tomorrow and give a proper verdict of it relative to his others
One thing is for sure. Kendrick still has yet to disappoint me
thank you for a very honest review. Its refreshing. i hate kendrick stans because they over hype everything to the moon lol. i can't wait to listen to the album
Still on my first listen. On humble now.
No wack tracks for me so far.
Maybe it's me but this album feels like the follow up to section 80.
Agreed - very surprised by the psychedelic influence here, but that is a west coast staple, but didn't expect it... need to finish listening