I've been seeing this as well, which surprised me. Some of them resent older women and blame them for "ruining" the dating scene as well, which surprised me even more.
I will say though.
Never trust a woman who always sides with men but has no husband. Always says the right things but has never been righteously attached.
Just means youve probably been around a bunch of men. Collecting knowledge while putting on mileage. But obviously not actually putting it to use. Either by choice,by your astrology,or simply your nature as a woman. Forever hearing but never understanding. Forever seeing but never percieving.
kendra really trying to slide into a female kevin samuels lane.
Kendra ain't on point like KS. She has too many airhead momentskendra really trying to slide into a female kevin samuels lane.
So you cool with tats on arms?i only get turned off when tats are all over their ass, titties, or abs.
i don't get how this ruins it for ya'll at all but different strokes
and i don't even have tats
Kendra ain't on point like KS. She has too many airhead moments
Open toe shoes are a problem? How about I show you a much bigger 300lb problem instead?
Kendra ain't shyt for egging this on, talking about "I like it" when she stood up, knowing damn well she look a whole mess
It's bullshyt advice like this that keeps these women where they at. There's no reason this woman should be that big at 28
Open toe shoes are a problem?