A Paul Heyman style of booking could make this work, they would just need to have transitional world champ in place and a legit star run interference
Bruh... no.
Shamrock might be in good shape... well, OK shape... but he's old and wasn't a star on a high enough level where his return would be that big a deal. Him coming back now and wrestling every week and getting some kinda push would be waaaay more ridiculous than a lil' bit.
*cue 'still better than them nikkaz they pushin' now*
Yeah but they ain't 50 years old and washed the fukk up. Let's keep it movin'.
him vs steve blackman was the highest point in his career
I was a huge fan of both but looking back they had some of the WOAT series of matches
And if anyone is still convinced that he should come back
To me there is always a place for him on Monday nights if it was up too me he was always one of my favorite guys in wrestling/mma
I remember the first PPV I rented was King of the Ring 1998 mainly cause I wanted to see him in the tournament and when he beat the RockI ran all over the house celebrating
Still to this day that might be my favorite moment ever watching wrestling