That’s a mighty big claim"Still" has single potential
The Childish Gambino song has single potential
The PinkPanthress song has single potential
Mariah the Scientist song has single potential (Nice way to close the album)
"Seemingly" sounds like something Azealia Banks could have been on.
"Drip Sweat" still dope but I hate that fruit booty nonsense in the video
"Do 2 Me" sounds like something you'd hear on that Issa Rae show "Insecure."
Only song I didn't really care for was "stepped on"...Not a bad song, I just didn't care for it
I don't do ecstasy or molly but I'd assume that the music on this album would go well with those drugs.
Timeless > Bubba
Yep, I said it....
This is an album u can throw on and just let rock from the beginning to the end with no skips.
I dig how Kay gave us his formula while each song stands on its own individually.

To be honest I wasn’t feeling drip sweat so I was nervous. I’ll check the whole album now.