Oh she hates flying but flies. GOTEM!
Context .. it’s easier to fly to go on vacation than flying to go talk about the trauma you experience...
Oh she hates flying but flies. GOTEM!
Let me gives ya brehs and brehettes the gospel..
You can tell Dr Ford is credible ... when little girls are molested at a young age it’s usualy by family members... some grow up to be sexual permiscuious.. So for Dr Ford to be freaked out by this that happened to her at 15 you can tell prior to that she never experienced something like that ever and for this degenerate Kavanugh and Mark to do that shyt is terrible..
This lady is accomplished she has no reason to lie about something like that putting her reputation on the line..
The state of MD need to open an investigation and the FBI.. its that simple
I was at that whole exchange. I hate flying too but do it when I need to. Lots of people do. She ain't credible b/c she does but doesn't like itOh she hates flying but flies. GOTEM!
Larry Hogan isn't gonna do that...
im literally waiting for one of these dumbassess to just come and sayOh she hates flying but flies. GOTEM!