Karen crying cause her kids got to learn about white supremacy in school


Nov 1, 2015
Appreciate it.

Yeah it's kinda hard to teach american history without mentioning slavery, him crow, and all that race stuff.

Repping today and sometime in the future when I can again

to add to his points as it relates to Derrick Bell's "Interest Convergence".

Interest Convergence – Equitable Coaching


Interest Convergence is a concept for white allies to be mindful of at the moment. It was coined by the legal scholar and Critical Race Theorist, Professor Derrick Bell (1980) published in The Harvard Law Review. Bell noticed an interest convergence dilemma: societal change supposedly to make society more equitable for black and brown people frequently makes situations worse and further oppresses the very groups they seek to liberate.

Bell’s seminal essay in 1980 was an analysis of Brown versus the Board of Education from 1954 – an important Supreme Court case that led to end of state-mandated racial segregation in American state schools. Bell speculates about, why then? Why in 1954? Campaigners had been trying for years to change this legislation and suddenly it was changed.

Bell suggests that, at that time, elite white interest and the interests of Black Americans had for a time had ‘converged.’ Conflicts of interest for the establishment had, momentarily, been removed. It was revealed later through the release of government papers (Delgado, 2012), the American government had been afraid that post -war in Korea with African American soldiers fighting in uniform to uphold national values and after selling the American brand of ‘equality’ throughout the world, America couldn’t be seen to have domestic unrest and resistance should the government seek to continue to enforce segregation. The conflict of interest was removed and suddenly schools were, after decades of struggle, desegregated.

Bell notes it was not through human decency, a sense that we must have equity and a need to ensure people have their human rights that led to the change but rather a least-worse option that forced the establishment’s hand. Bell was criticised for being cynical at the time and understating what these legislative changes led to and how they benefitted the civil rights movement. But here we are again, with white police officers feeling both able to both murder a black man on the street and feeling able to watch their colleague kill another human being and standby. These men were at the time working for one of the biggest national institutions in America.


The StarchBishop™️
Sep 4, 2012
Appreciate it.

Yeah it's kinda hard to teach american history without mentioning slavery, him crow, and all that race stuff.

Repping today and sometime in the future when I can again

Well see, that’s the thing - they don’t mind you mentioning “slavery, Jim Crow, and all that race stuff”
because it happened...but, they don’t want you to talk about why it happened.

On one hand - yeah, it’s evil. And those that agree with why these things were done don’t want to look bad to their kids.

On the other hand - there are some of them who legit don’t know this chit, and it sounds bad. If this becomes general knowledge/taught history, they don’t get to stay in that

“what do we know about Slavery, we weren’t there”
“America is the Land of Opportunity for everyone if they just try hard”
“I’m White and I have the same type of life you do”

...type fog, which we can see in the lady in this clip.

93 til

Nov 20, 2016
That’s a big ball of yarn to unravel...

...but basically, on a K-12 level:

This would mean that when kids are in History, Social Studies, or Civics classes, teaching with
Critical Race Theory comes into place when talking about the “alleged” real reasons that laws were
made or enforced - especially when it comes to race. Some examples:

- Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves...even though he didn’t care for Blacks, and would have sent them to Africa if he had his way. He announced the Emancipation Proclamation to weaken the South’s labor force during the Civil War. Doing so would make people leave the slave states, which would in turn force Southern states to re-join the Union.

- The 19th Amendment gave women the right to vote...because White women couldn’t believe this country would let Black men vote before them - seeing as how they had been shown that Black people aren’t even full people like them, which is why Slavery was okay.

- LBJ signed the Civil Rights act of 1964...because this looked good to other countries in the world with Black/Brown people, especially ones the U.S. wanted as allies in the Cold War...and this would solidify Democrats as “The Party That Works For Minorities”.

So yeah...as you can imagine, there are parents that don’t want schools to teach their kids the Red stuff, just stick to the Blue outcomes.


And this was the guy that signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 :francis: