This c00n typed all this over a nikka that said slavery was a choiceWe know they won't. 90% of the c00ns here don't even dislike or hate Kanye, they just love to see a black man fail just like their white friends. You know they've been in the office or at home chatting with their white co-workers
"I don't speak for all black people but I DO NOT SUPPORT Kanye West and his antics, he should lose his music and all of his business ventures, he doesn't represent the values I grew up with and don't reflect me as an American black person today!"
"Well said Jamal!!"
"Wow!! Go J!!!!"
"Always knew you were a real one Jamal!"
"We need more people like you!"
"Hey buddy, im gonna buy you a beer sometime."
These c00ns would sit front row at a Klan lynching of a black man "Well, he shouldn't have whistled at a white woman! I am respectful and cordial with white woman but I'd never whistle at one. Y'all gotta do what y'all gotta do, he knew the consequences."

That also supports Trump
And has made other ignorant comments about Black people

U literally the c00n in the scenario u typed

Let me put u an ya maga hat on ignore