Because Kanye is an easy target. It is about race. Not necessarily what Kimmel did, but our reaction as black people to what he did, it says a lot.
This entire issue really is a microcosm of a bigger problem in America, that even today in 2013, some blacks are still too scared to confront.
People like @
Geoffrey_Chaucer and @
Big Mel either don't care about the fact, or don't realize the fact that blacks are ridiculed by whites on a daily basis. All of you are. At work, at the club, when you're just walking out in public. They straight up RIDICULE us behind our backs about the clothes we wear, the music we listen to, the food we eat, the way we talk, the way we smell, how big our lips are, how big our noses are, our hair.
When white people are making fun of a woman, they snap their fingers back and forth and say some shyt like "giiiirl" imitating what they believe is a "rowdy black woman".
When Justin Bieber or some other white celebrity does some "outlandish" things like smoking weed, or getting tattoos, or wearing baggy clothes..well the CACs say he is "acting black"
But some people just put up with it. Some people don't want to rock the boat. They just want to keep things copacetic, keep everyone happy and smiling. Ye used to be that guy. He used to be the dude shucking and jiving on Ellen and all this other shyt, but the media turned on him like they always do. So now I don't see how you can blame him when someone goes on national TV and tries to treat him like a complete joke. If you don't understand it, you should, because it's the same thing your co-workers are gonna do tomorrow when you leave the room. Bring a KFC bucket in for lunch, and then leave a tape recorder hiding at your desk when you walk away. See how many of those CACs make jokes about you. Some of you nikkas are just too scared to confront reality