I'm glad Ye got him some time away to enjoy his family and be out the spotlight for a while.
The love of his babies is going to fill in the love he missing from his mom.
hate this rural dad look he's been rocking. where yeezy the fashion icon?
At least he has his laptop. Hopefully he's making new music.
At least he has his laptop. Hopefully he's making me music.
Remember when he hated the paparazzi???
He definitely is which would explain the weight gain.He prolly on anti depressants...
I modeled my whole fashion steeze after kanye in the late 2000's/early 2010's old.
Must have half a dozen infrared sixes cuz of dude.
Loved that fashion wave he was on during his amber rose/dating Kim phase.
Shiit was godly. As a matter of fact, i still dress like that today.
It's a really clean look; fitted, modern clothes, a few pieces of accessory with fresh tennis shoes = 100.