I watched it...had nothing to say,lol. I'm glad the interviewer was white or else he would have been defensive if she had been a bw.He had a chance to save himself with a question about black women. Towards the end there's a question about uplifting black women.... he pauses for a long ass time.... rambles a bit about trends... rambles a bit about how misogyny comes from tough times an oppression... then doesn't answer the question at all.
Whatlmao you idiot,
so this is a black man to you? because his grandparents are black, yet according to you black genes can never be bred out
And they will STILL be the ones in power. Just like every other place on the damn planet where there's been mass IR breeding. Whites have always been a minority and that has never stopped them from taking over the planet.
And they still have the most weapons of mass destruction.White people took over the planet because they industrialized first. Nothing more, nothing less. Them being a minority or not being a minority had nothing to do with it. They got their hands on guns while everyone else had knives and arrows, and stole everything they could carry. This is 2015. Not 1515. Everyone else caught up.
And they still have the most weapons of mass destruction.
dude really said when you think mixed you think beauty.
he also said , he loves older white men, and if you're not an old white man you don't run shyt
check from 52minutes in.
If you like white women, fine but please c00ns, stop insulting our intelligence with this "if we breed with white wimmen, the whites will be no moreeezzz!!" garbageSounds like he telling the world to eradicate white people by having mixed babies, wont be no more pure breed cac's around..