Very few people's net worth is based on liquidity. This is nowhere near unique to Kanye.speculative valuation =/= liquidity. Putting monetary valuation on something as volatile as a trendy clothing business is a bridge to nowhere. It would take a single wrong comment from him to tank his company. Which would then drive his 'net worth' down by over half. Which means... it was never real in the first place.
If I actually have 2.6 billion in my bank, nothing I say will make me have less. What is his valuation right now if he pissed off the entire world tomorrow and no one wanted to wear his clothes or listen to his music again?
also: pocketwatching.
also also: who fukking cares.
it's not.
the illusion presented to the public by theoretical 'black billionaires' undermines us pointing out the wealth disparity. Because they'll go 'but look at Kanye/Jay/Oprah' like they are:
1) the norm, and
2) not able to access the wealth they are claimed to have.
Being honest about what is literal and real capital you have helps everyone. And stops people from living in a fantasy world of believing that America is a level playing field where anyone can succeed.
The same monopoly money valuation bullshyt is why the world thinks Elon is worth hundreds of billions when he's not. Tesla's valuation is wrong, Twitter is worth a 10th of what it was a few years ago and SpaceX can't get to low earth orbit and the nikka talmbout Mars
And the harm is these people will leverage their fictitious value against real world assets like SpaceX getting taxpayer money to continue to fail. We the people subsidize that bullshyt. And when it all falls down, they get bailed out. And we the people get fukk-all and ever-worsening infrastructure.
A few years ago Kanye was claiming he was bankrupt. In crippling debt. Now he's a multibillionaire? All while he's effectively done little to up his personal valuation and only crashed out publicly and professionally.
If you believe he's worth 2.6 billion and aren't asking 'how' right now, you're a fool.
true, but most people haven't been on a PR Crashout campaign for the last few years the way Ye has, and both of his major brands are tentpoled by how people feel about him.Very few people's net worth is based on liquidity. This is nowhere near unique to Kanye.
great then he can use is wealth to help the black community
anytime its a crisis he can help
Thanks for taking the long way to define what net worth means even tho I’m pretty sure we all know what it means. All the things you tried to poo poo are valued when you’re talking someone’s net worth. The title doesn’t say he has 2.7 billion liquid. Wake up tomorrow after a good night sleep and plot a way to get you your own money brehspeculative valuation =/= liquidity. Putting monetary valuation on something as volatile as a trendy clothing business is a bridge to nowhere. It would take a single wrong comment from him to tank his company. Which would then drive his 'net worth' down by over half. Which means... it was never real in the first place.
If I actually have 2.6 billion in my bank, nothing I say will make me have less. What is his valuation right now if he pissed off the entire world tomorrow and no one wanted to wear his clothes or listen to his music again?
also: pocketwatching.
also also: who fukking cares.
why no pressure on him to help and giveHelping is a choice.