aka he was never really a billionaire
all these valuations these modern influencers/celebrities getting just as fake as their instagram profiles
It is complicated.
What you're saying is right and my gut is telling me that there is going to be a recession that will effectively bring a lot of these companies down to size.
There is value in brand. You can look at it and see how much money it will generate over a period of time. I think that is where the "it is worth x amount" comes into play.
I think the problem is that brands are volatile. I think the second problem is that they're going to start looking at a lot of these companies and realise that they don't deliver on ideas or bring in as much money as expected.
I lowkey thing that Tom Anderson had the most sense along with the owners of Tumblr. They grabbed the cash and went about their business. The people who bought equity in the companies were left sinking ships.